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If you decide to join us, you will become a part of the ever growing group of the Finnish Calligraphy writers. The Calligraphy Society of Finland invites everyone to become its member, who is interested in Calligraphy.

As a member of the Calligraphy Society of Finland you are entitled to have various benefits, for example reduced prices when buying calligraphy equipment from certain Art equipment shops. Furthermore the Society arranges competitions and exhibitions for its members and keeps them up-to-date in the magazine Sulkanen and in the email newsletter.

How to become a member

Fill in the membership form and pay the membership fee to the following IBAN Bank Account number:
Beneficiary: Suomen Kalligrafiayhdistys Ry
IBAN account number: FI88 4713 1020 0604 38
Bank: Suomen Osuuspankki.
The amount (please see under Membership fees 2024)

When paying the fee please remember to write your address and other contact details to the “Message” (Viesti) part (including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and “Membership fee”, year). After having made the payment you will get a Membership Card by e-mail.

Change of address:

Please inform the change of your address to the secretary of the Finnish Calligraphy Society to the following e-mail:

Membership benefits

  • The volume of the cultural magazine Sulkanen. Sulkanen consists of 32-36 pages, is four-colour-printed and of high quality.
  • Musteläiskä is our monthly newsletter sent by e-mail that keeps you informed of   Calligraphy Courses, -exhibitions, -events and of the world of writing art.
  • A discount of the course fee of the Calligraphy Days
  • An invitation to participate in the exhibitions arranged by the Finnish Calligraphy Society
  • A possibility to publish an announcement e.g. an invitation of an exhibition in Sulkanen magazine for 30 euros (size ¼ page, no advertisement). A member can also inform about her/his workshops in Musteläiskä newsletter.
  • Discounts on calligraphy equipment from certain Art equipment shops.

Membership fees in 2024

Members in Finland: 39 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine in Finland)
Members in Europe: 49 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine in Europe)
Overseas members: 65 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine)
Support our society by paying 50 €

Join to our Society by filling in the form below and by paying our Membership fee

    Membership (obligatory)
    Members in Finland: 39 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine in Finland)Members in Europe: 49 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine in Europe)Overseas members: 65 € a year (including postage fee of Sulkanen Magazine)Support our society by paying 50 €

    Continuing a membership, old members

    Please pay the membership fee latest on January 31st of the year in question to make sure you will get the whole volume of the Sulkanen magazine sent to you.
    Bank details: Beneficiary: Suomen Kalligrafiayhdistys Ry
    IBAN Bank account number: FI88 4713 1020 0604 38
    Bank: Liedon Osuuspankki
    Write in the message part: Membership fee + year + your name.

    Change of address:

    Please inform the change of your address (street address, e-mail address, telephone number) directly to the secretary of the Finnish Calligraphy Society to the following e-mail address:

    After having made the payment you will get a Membership Card by e-mail.


    It is the aim of the Finnish Calligraphy Society to provide and maintain high quality standard in the calligraphy skills and to acknowledge this by giving the honorary titles of Master Calligrapher.

    The annual meeting of the Finnish Calligraphy Society approves the Master Calligraphers proposed by the board of directors.

    Each member of the Finnish Calligraphy Society has the right to apply for the Master Calligrapher title by demonstrating that he/she has the sufficient knowledge and skills on Calligraphy. The Board of directors of the Society has defined the requirements on knowledge and skills that must be filled, and they have gained a general approval in an annual meeting in the first years of our Society being active.